Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A&H's New Room

We love our new house and thanks to all the moving help from our parents, we settled in quickly.  I thought it would be fun for Allie and Harper to look back at this blog and see their old rooms.  I may add a rug, some curtains, and a white bookshelf, but it will stay like this for a while.  My mom arranged everything.  The cribs came from my grandmother, San-San.  She bought one for my 16 year old cousin, when she was a baby of course, and one for her house.  Yes, they do have drop sides, which are banned now, but I wasn't worried about it because it is nearly impossible to figure out how to make the sides drop. 

I love the blueberries print above the glider.  My friend Georgia (see her blog and etsy shop-most fabulous pound cake you will ever put in your mouth, I promise, and her spicy sweet pecans are amazing) saw it at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens and directed me to the artist, Hillary Parker.

The Herend cups with a prince charming frog were the sweetest first birthday gift from our friends Camp and Virginia.

And my other grandmother, Ellie, made a watercolor of a photo of me when I was a little girl with my favorite stuffed animals. 

I treasure this painting and love that I have many pictures of Allie and Harper at the same table.

And here are a few pictures of Allie and Harper's first room at our old place:

Thanks to many friends and family for the donated items and help decorating!

1 comment:

  1. Their room is beautiful, Kakhi!!!! They are such big girls! Thank you for the shout out! :) I need to get back to blogging ASAP.
