Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Piglet Lives Up to Her Name

Yesterday, while Harper was impatiently waiting her turn to eat, she latched on to Allie's diaper.  There aren't many stronger hunger cues than a latch onto a diaper.  So I moved her and tried to calm her down and she latched onto the pointiest part of Allie's head.  This morning, after they both blew through their diapers, I let them hang out in just their undergarments for a while.  I left them to play together while I got dressed and came back to find that Harper had latched onto Allie's shoulder.  My Harper loves to eat!

Here is a sneak peak at a little slice of my day (please pardon the baby voice.  It is very hard not to use baby talk):

I'm glad I still find most of these moments entertaining. 


  1. so cute! I love your baby voice :)
    This is my new favorite work distraction - yay! You are a great blogger Kak - keep it up mama

  2. Oh man. This made P and I laugh. Thanks for sharing a little moment of your new happy life. The girls are precious and can't wait to see them in person.
