Saturday, November 17, 2012

Blueberry #3!

Michael and I have every exciting news to share.  Blueberry #3 is on the way!  HIS way, that is.  It's a boy!  Due March 25th.  We are so thrilled and feel very blessed.

I'm not one of those patient people who can wait until delivery to know the gender, but I did want it to be a little more exciting than finding out from the ultrasound lady's monotone like we did with Allie and Harper.  So we had her seal the gender in an envelope, and later that night Aunt T-lo babysat while we went out to a restaurant that recently opened near us, Watershed.  We gave the envelope to the waiter and told him to bring us a blue drink for a boy and pink drink for a girl.  After 15 LONG minutes, this is what he placed before me:

As we oooed and ahhed, "Ooooh, baby girl. Three girls. wow...".  he said "Actually, it's a boy! That's a blueberry drink."  I must admit that our level of excitement definitely kicked up a notch.  I guess Watershed doesn't serve blue drinks, though we did not find it lacking in other respects. This Violet Beauregard (the not so stiff version, of course) though confusing, was quite tasty.

Blueberries #1 and #2 actually seem to get it and are beginning to notice my belly.  Before we found out it's a boy, we would often ask them if they wanted a sister or brother.  The answers varied from day to day.  Since we told them it's a brother, Harper has been insisting "I want sister." 

They also seem to understand pregnancy better than we thought.  On the day we had the ultrasound, we told them that we went to the doctor and got to see the baby.  Harper gave a quizzical look, thought for a second, and then asked, "Did it come out?"  It was a great question. They never cease to amaze.


  1. Congrats, lady! Wonderful news! How are you feeling this time around?

  2. They are going to make the best sisters! So excited for you guys

  3. I love thinking of your initial reaction to that drink -I would have been totally confused! It's purple!!

  4. So thrilled for you guys, Kakhi! What a beautiful family!!
