Thursday, November 24, 2011

Firsts: Tea Party and The Varsity

I have free time on my hands because I'm in Mississippi and no one plays with Allie and Harper better than their Mississippi family.  I hardly have to lift a finger when I am here because family comes out of the woodwork to play, feed, diaper, and spoil my babies.  It is awesome!  So I thought I would make a quick post about two fun firsts for Allie and Harper in November:

1. Their first Tea Party! They loved it and actually acted like they knew what a tea party was.  I see many tea parties in our future:

2. The Varsity.  Our friends Tiffany and Julia had never been to the Varsity, so we had to go.  I am actually a little sentimental about the Varsity because my family is obsessed with it.  A Woodward/Huffaker is not allowed to drive through Atlanta without stopping at the Varsity for some onion rings at the very least.  It's weird because this is the kind of place generally grosses me out because it's greasy and there is hardly a healthy choice on the menu.  But, that's the point of the Varisty and I've come to love it.  Just don't go when there is a Braves game. 

Also, this is not a first but we got to hang out with our friend Polly from Birmingham last week too and wear our Turkey shirts. Allie looks at this shirt and say "Ogob Ogob" (translation: Gobble, Gobble).

Happy Thanksgiving!

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