It's time for a recap on two very busy ladies! We're staying on our toes around here trying to keep up with them. They've had some pretty hilarious commentary lately. Yesterday, Allie said, "I'm going to get in the car. See ya!" To which Harper quickly accepted and responded, "Are you going to take Peachtree?" Later in the day, Allie was sorting through my wallet and found our Botanical Gardens Membership card. She said, "This 'tanical gardens credit card. (pretending to read it closely) Dear Allie, I want to go to the 'tanical gardens soon." On this same day, they both wet their pants at the playground and (separately) were in big trouble before 9am. Later, though, Harper said, "Mom, thanks for bringing me to Trader Joe's." They don't let me stay frustrated with them for too long.
You may remember that I attempted potty-training boot camp a few months ago. Allie took to it beautifully for a while, but we eventually went back to full time diapers after many accidents, push-back, and realizing the difficulty of managing two curious and head-strong toddlers in public restrooms. My next plan was to just wait until they basically trained themselves. But plans changed because I had to keep up the momentum my Mom started when they went to Chattanooga without us for the three days before Christmas Eve. Harper had basically refused to go potty for me, but Lovey had her pottying consistently. Then when we got back to Atlanta she loved being a big girl, wearing undies, and getting treats, stickers, and high-fives. We had a few accident-free mornings and afternoons, but I feel my resolve weakening and push-back is emerging again as I've let them be in Pull-ups more than I should. Now it's time to redouble my efforts by forcing myself to put them in undies and make frequent potty trips. They are ready; Mom just needs to buckle down and not be disappointed if we revert after our move and new baby brother's arrival.
Yes, we are moving. You may think that we've taken up moving as a second hobby. This is our 5th move in 6 years of marriage! But we're excited to know we'll be in our new house long-term. On January 31st, we will own a home basically right across this street from where we currently are renting. We're not taking on any major renovations at this point, but picking out paint colors, completing mortgage paperwork and getting estimates on mold remediation, rodent issues, and deep cleanings has also kept us busy. It's scary but exciting. It feels really good to be putting down roots in Atlanta.
Our baby boy seems healthy and is growing well at 30 weeks now. This pregnancy has been such a breeze compared to a twin pregnancy! Half the doctors visits, no indigestion, no rib cage pain, no ridiculous weight gain, no Braxton Hicks, and I could sleep on my stomach until a few weeks ago. This boy is a kicker. Hoping that the move or chasing two year olds doesn't bring him early!
Here are some photos from the past few months.
I was excited that Mom found some of Tyler and my old dresses. They love wearing their sashes with any outfit (because Cinderella and Wendy from Peter Pan wear sashes). Harper's scab (under her eye) is from a yardwork mishap: Allie got a little excited with the rake. |
Late October trip to Sea Island. |
Fun in the leaves. |
Dancing at Aunt Lauren and Uncle Jason's wedding. They had a blast dancing and eating, and thought they were "at the ball." Very in to Cinderella right now. |
At "Madeline's Christmas" and with the cast. They were mesmerized for this 1 hour 10 minute play. This will have to be an annual trip. |
Meal times lately are much easier. Limited food throwing, not too picky, get in their chairs without assistance, and occasionally even clean up after themselves. Thankful for my happy eaters! |
The beloved Dolphin Show at the Aquarium with buddy and neighbor Houston. We love the Heckmans! |
CiCi and Papa took us all to LegoLand when they came to visit after Christmas. |
To the park with Houston. Loving the tag team on childcare with our nextdoor neighbors! |
Harper had her first haircut at Pigtails and Crewcuts. Allie happily waited in a nearby fire truck since Lovey had cut her hair the week before. |
And more December fun! |
precious, precious girls kakhi!!!!
ReplyDeleteI could eat them up, just adorable and so sweet!