You can probably guess from the title where this post is going. Today, we met our twin friends who are only 12 days younger than us for lunch at Sun in my Belly (yum!). It was 75 degrees outside, so we decided to wear our new summer outfits.
Allie and Harper were being bad, so we had to finish the play date in the parking lot. Florence and Anne Harrell hardly made a peep the whole lunch. |
When we got home, Allie and Harper had their first meal of prunes and they loved them. Seriously, I could not shovel it in fast enough and they both started whining when it was all gone. Harper did have to pause momentarily to make a dirty diaper. Surprise, surprise, they are prunes! Then came more surprises: both babies had total blowouts on their new little knickers, and while I was putting Harper down for a nap, Allie managed to roll off the activity mat and blanket underneath it and spit up on our relatively new rug. It's time to have some carpet cleaner on hand. Prunes everywhere!
Life with these ladies is good though! They always keep us entertained and I think I may have dental problems from gritting my teeth when I hold them and feel overwhelmed with love for them.
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