You may have noticed that little Allie has a bit of a pirate's eye. On Tuesday, I had my first outing with just one baby and took her to the eye pediatrician. She was diagnosed as having a drooping eyelid. First of all, let me be clear that this is something I am not really worried about. The doctor said that he couldn't tell me that it would go away, but I think that she is just a newborn and will strengthen up that eyelid. We will be watching to see that she is opening her eye enough so that her pupil is not blocked or partially blocked. If it is, her vision might not form properly, so the doc would recommend an eye patch. My BFF Anna had an eye patch til 2nd grade and she is awesome and only minorly scarred from the social stigma (jk), so little Allie will be OK if this doesn't heal itself. Plus she is quite cute with that little cock eye. She will go back to the doc in 7 weeks to see how she has progressed. Say a prayer that this is no big deal like I think. Her daddy is a little more worried about it than I am. He does love his gals.
It was quite nice to take just one baby on an outing. I feel like I really got to bond with and think about just her, and man, was it easier getting around. We were OTP (Outside the Perimeter for you non-Atlantans) so we ran errands at Hobby Lobby and Babies R Us. I didn't have to break out the spaceship stroller, just dropped her car seat in the buggy. She also accompanied me to my four-week followup OB appointment. The doc who brought her into the world was glad to see her and said we were the talk of the Labor and Delivery floor because it was such an easy twin birth. I've healed up quite nicely too and I'm starting to think I should start working out again. Haven't hit the gym since I was 4 months pregnant. I'll probably give myself until they are sleeping through the night- 15 pounds to go!

In other news, it has been a great week because of all the help we have had from visitors. When I have help in town, I've decided to take advantage of them, let go of always having to breastfeed, and have my visitors give them a bottle at the midnight or 3 am feeding. Anna Guessetto, the one with the eye patch, traveled from Nashville after working a night shift (she's a labor and delivery nurse) and helped me on my night shift. And Michael's parents came to take care of the babies Monday to this morning. I got to sleep for over 4 hour stretches when they were here, and I feel very refreshed. Looking forward to next week when we go to the mountains for Thanksgiving with my family. Bobby, Tyler, Mom, and Dad, get your sleep now ;) Bobby might be off the hook since he has a broken foot.
Great-Grandparents Ellie and Granddaddy also met Allie and Harper this week. |
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