What is your vote on what Allie and Harper should be for Halloween? This:
Or, this:
Times are achanging quickly. These girls love to get out of the stroller these days, which means I have to be on top of my game to keep up with two babes crawling opposite directions. There is no chit-chatting while they play, I've got to be in the zone to allow them to explore yet keep them from getting injured. Yesterday, I dashed to keep Allie from eating a discarded fruit snack on the playground, Harper made a run for it and was at the TOP of this slide by the time I got back to her. My heart skipped a beat!

In other news, Allie is going on her first plane ride tomorrow. I have been dying to go visit friends in Dallas and hold their new babies. There was no way that I was taking both ladies on a plane with me either, so yesterday, we flipped a coin and determined that Allie is going to Texas! Harper will get a fun weekend with Dad. We had to do a coin toss because I kept going back and forth on who to bring. Harper will get to go on the next trip. Stay tuned for pics of Allie with her Texas friends, Tres and Caroline Rowling, and twin friends: William and Luke Evans, and hopefully Clark Christian up from Austin. It's a big weekend in the Big D! Hook 'em Horns!
P.S. I just discovered the joys of Baby Einstein. They are oooing and ahhing and are glued to the TV right now and I can go pack. To all the Baby Einstein haters, don't worry I'll keep their veg out time to a minimum.